volunteers are integral to our conservation work
Become a Volunteer with us
We have a range of opportunities at our sites: Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary, Wildbark and Jerrabomberra Wetlands Nature Reserve.
Our volunteers help with a wide range of tasks and activities. Opportunities are often seasonal and require varying levels and types of skill, experience, availability and fitness.
Please register your interest on our volunteer database.
Wildlife Monitoring
Help us monitor the incredible species that call Mulligans Flat home. We use multiple methods to monitor species our species including sweeps, transects and random spotting.
Some tasks involve handling animals.
Tours and Education
Volunteers can assist our tour guides on night walks through Mulligans Flat, help to engage kids with nature during school holidays, and take part in craft workshops.
Have fun and gain new skills while educating the public on what we do here at the sanctuary.
Sanctuary Support
This activity usually involves helping the Rangers with some of the more challenging tasks such as weed management in hilly areas, pulling out old fences and sometimes call outs to help with emergency activities after extreme weather events.
Citizen Science
Our network of camera traps capture thousands of shots each month. You can help us sort and identify the species in each photo by joining our Digivol team.
Secret Life of Critters is an Atlas of Living Australia citizen science project.
Team Building & Corporate Volunteering
Bring your team out on social impact days to Mulligans Flat or Jerrabomberra wetlands to get your hands dirty. Participate in team building activities or guided tours with our ecologists.
How much does corporate volunteering cost?
Prices are $30 per person with a minimum of 10 people.
Why is there a cost involved?
As a charity, we need to ensure that we are always working in a way which is sustainable and cost-effective.
The fee associated with corporate volunteering days covers the cost of staff time to facilitate the program.
Is catering provided?
Catering can be organised for an extra cost.
What kind of activities can my team do?
Activities vary according to the season but can include wildlife monitoring, removing invasive plant species, and revegetation.
What should I bring?
You are most likely to need long pants, sturdy shoes, gardening gloves, be sun smart, and bring your own water and snacks. WWT staff will inform you of the appropriate clothing for the activity you will be doing.
For further questions, please get in touch with our Volunteer Coordinator: volunteer@woodlandsandwetlands.org.au